The oil combination has been selected primarily to be suitable for combination/normal skin types.
This silky and lightweight Cowslip Primrose and Lady's Mantle face cream with an orange undertone and lemon scent relaxes and refreshes the skin, leaving it glowing. Cowslip Primrose is an herb that represents peace of mind and love. It soothes and cleanses the skin and has antibacterial properties. It is also a natural antibiotic! Lady's Mantle is a powerful women's herb that will open your heart. It also relaxes the skin and helps it absorb and retain freshness.
Shea butter enhances skin cell renewal and has a skin rejuvenating and wrinkle-preventing effect.
Coconut oil protects the skin from UV rays, moisturizes the skin, has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves rashes, psoriasis and dermatitis.
Cocoa butter is full of vitamins A, C, and E. It is an effective moisturizer that protects the skin from drying out.
Carrot oil softens, rejuvenates and protects the skin. It is a perfect skin tonic thanks to beta-carotene and vitamins A, B, C, D, E and F. It enhances the skin's healing processes, reduces itching and protects it from sunlight.
Rosehip seed oil is a dry oil, which means it absorbs very quickly. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps the skin produce collagen, and retinoid acid, which reduces wrinkles and helps heal wounds.
Ingredients: Shea butter, coconut oil, spring water, cocoa butter, grape seed oil, carrot oil, rosehip seed oil, evening primrose and lady's mantle herbs, lemon and grapefruit essential oils.
Use within 6 months of opening. Store away from direct sunlight. The cream comes with a handmade spatula made from genuine Estonian juniper . In addition to its pleasant woody scent, juniper is widely known for its antibacterial properties . It works especially well with natural cosmetics, preventing bacteria from entering your product and allowing the cream to stay fresh longer.
Reppu oli laadukas ja omaan käyttöön juuri sopiva. Repun ulkonäkö on saanut kehuja :)
Mahdollisesti haastavin huonekalu, jonka olen ikinä koonnut. Ruuvien sijoittelusta päätellen valmistaja ei ole ottanut suunnitellussa lainkaan huomioon kotona kokoista. Epäselvät ohjeet, epätasainen maalipinta, huonosti leikatut ja vaikeasti kohdistettavat palaset joissa materiaali hyvin ohutta metallia, sekä todella paljon voimaa ja kärsivällisyyttä vaativa kokoamisprosessi. Teoreettisesti kuitenkin koottavissa ja valmiina ihan nätti kauempaa katsellessa, mutta en voi suositella ostettavaksi enkä valikoimassa pidettäväksi.